Today Internet of Things is wireless. Wireless is good for many situations, and it is good to keep wireless ether space silent as Silence is Golden. Therefore Earth, Moon and Mars are going to need a WIRED NERVE SYSTEM of smart buildings and machines. Benefits that Wired Internet of Things brings:
- No batteries and no chemical waste management – power over wire.
- Higher bandwidth– the signal path is narrow line in space.
- Open and easy to understand protocol.
- Suitable for low end and ultra cheap electronics.
- World’s record on Low power consumption on wired communication.
- Physical barrier against DoS attack.
This evaluation kit offers Transceiver circuit built from few transistors. With this evaluation kit you can participate in World Changing transformation of technology of things communication. The target is:
- Open standard for building Wired Bus Network in true IoT spirit.
- magnitude times lower energy consumption than RS485.
- State of art energy saving on message transfer with Short Pulses.
- Automatic power-on power off during single pulse transfer.
We Offer
Evaluation Kit
- Cypress 8x8mm QFN-68 PSoC 5LP MCU with programmable logic and ARM Cortex M3 CPU.
- USB connection with PC.
- 5 Wire terminal for 24V bus power, twisted-pair signal and shielding.
- Switched DC down converting power supply.
- 36 IO pin-hole terminals for MCU pins 24V power, 3.3V power for interfacing with your application.
- Cypress UDB and Datapath components for transmitting and receiving (does not require specific libraries), supports DMA and hardware CRC calculation.
- We target the same UDB and Datapath components for PSoC 4 too.
- Tauria’s GraDisLib license.
- KiCAD schematics and PCB.
Standard Specifications
Initial standard specification for Bus networks. We are going to make it great together! The specifications are divided into ISO-OSI model 1-2 and 3-4 layer description. Detailed description is about:
- ~15.3 kBytes/s @ 125 kbaud bus data rate works with calibrated RC oscillators with difference <6%.
- Signalling on physical layer.
- Message telegram organisation.
- Network routing and management.
- Space effective address space for Billions of devices.
- Bus network management and load balancing.