
We can help you from idea to production with:

  • Requirement research, analysis and documentation.
  • Proof of concept evaluation.
  • Firmware and software development for various microcontrollers 8 & 32 bit and for Linux and servers. (ASM, C, C++, PHP, Python, Javascript, Cypress PSoC UDB components, Verlilog)
  • Electronic & PCB design. (Eagle, KiCad)
  • Mechanical & 3D design. (Varicad)
  • Product management.

We understand also physics. For firmware development it is good to know how the nature works. We have partners in Estonia who do assembly of the devices in small and large series.

It is possible to help you in many ways:

  • Consultancy – intellectual property of developed product will belong to our customer.
  • Sales contract – we provide required amount of devices or license to customer with agreed price.

We have made

11/2020 – 02/2021 Customer Project : Space Camera
Technologies: C, RTOS, File systems, Python
Assignments: Firmware engineering, firmware testing, software quality system consultancy, software analysis.
Area: NASA Artemis moon colonization program.
03/2020 – 02/2021 Internal Project : FAM-160,200,250
Technologies: 3D design, manufacturing product tester and calibrator.
Assignments: Make bigger variants of FAM100 available, for ducts with dia 160mm, 200mm and 250mm
02/2019 – 02/2020Internal project: FAM-100
Technologies: Cypress PSOC5; ARM CtxM3 MCU; Hardware configuration, C, ASM, NodeJS, Linux
Assignments: Firmware development for PSOC5 ARM CtxM3 MCU, TestRig PC application development, Documentation of design, architecture, interfaces. Semi-automated factory programming and testing, factory calibration apparatus. 3D design fro Nylon SLS printing. Hardware engineering, Low temperature tests, Manufacturing organising, Logistics and Product management.
More: Product page

03/2018-04/2020 Customer Project : Actuator
Technologies: Cypress PSOC1; M8C MCU; Hardware configuration, C, ASM, Automated testing, C#, Mono, Gtk#, Linux, Windows.
Assignments: Firmware development for PSOC1 M8C MCU, TestRig PC application development, Documentation of design, architecture, interfaces, development process according to Medical Device ClassB IEC62304:2006/A1:2015.
05/2017-… Internal Project : Wired IoT Bus Network Standard
Technologies: KiCAD. Cypress PSOC, C, Cypress PSoC5LP UDB component (FPGA).
Assignments: Inventing, Patent writing, Electronics design, Standard’s documents writing / defining, Firmware development. Cypress PSoC5LP UDB (FPGA) component development, Product management. The new bus provides ~40 times energy savings, supports billions of nodes on the network, is lightning safe and more.
11/2017-01/2018 Customer Project : Linux daemon
Technologies: Linux (Raspbian), MyPi, CanBus, CanOpen, GSM internet, C++, Json, Daemonizing, udev, …
Assignments: Software development, library development, Linux system configuration, device factory programmable image creation, documentation.
03/2017-09/2017 Customer Project : UHF Components Driving
Technologies: Cypress PSOC 5LP (Cy8C5888), C, USB-UART,
Assignments: Firmware development, External 9GHz PLL driving, attenuation driving. Electronics development support and feedback. Communication interface documentation.
02/2013-03/2017 Internal Project : Green Energy Marketplace
Technologies: PHP, SQL, Linux server, JavaScript Web App, Html5
Assignments: Full web application development with front-end, back-end and database. Product development, Team management, Software development, Server management, Customer feedback analysis, …
More: The site
09/2014-11/2016 Internal Project : Impeller Anemometer & GraDis
Technologies: VariCAD (3D design), Eagle (electronics), C, ARM-CortexM3, C++ FLTK for Linux, USB-HID, Custom kernel,
Assignments: Product series development and management, Team management, Supply chain management, Mechanical design, Software development, Library development with custom cooperative multitasking kernel. Activity queues. Project management, Production management, CE marking, Documentation, Physical modeling of transducer, Precision investigations and definition, Metrology experiments. Several products have been defined: GraDis, Anemometer with precision ~3% from reading, Test-Stand
More: The product page
07/2015-06/2016 Customer Project : Embedded Linux Application
Technologies: C/C++, Petalinux, Xilinx Zync embedded computer, Kernel driver development, Embedded Web server, JavaScript front-end, libwebsockets,
Assignments: Software development. Assistance on issue and task management and documentation. The system performed high frequency (50MSPS) measurements and provided Web UI for data analysis.
02/2011-06/2016 Customer Project : PC Peripheral Device
Technologies: USB-HID, Microchip PIC MCU, Atmel AVR X-Mega CPU, Nordic NRF51822 Bluetooth LE HID device, C, Assembler, C++ FLTK cross platform user interface for Linux, Windows and MacOSX. Custom encrypted firmware upgrade system, ARM Cortex device bit-toggle programmer.
Assignments: Software development, software projects management and feedback to electronics engineer from the firmware development point of view.
09/2012-01/2016 Customer Project : Video Conference System
Technologies: C++, embedded Linux on TV/video Box, Stream processing, Skype-Kit integration, SIP client development, LIVE555 Streaming Media. Picture processing.
Assignments: Streamer applications software development using C++. Back-end for Web UI.
09/2011-05/2012 Customer Project : Energy Measurement
Technologies: Industrial automation systems and communications. Electricity measurement, Thermal gas flow measurement, water heat energy measurement.
Assignments: Consultancy services on energy measurement, calculation and data collection system definition.